
Yomawari night alone walk
Yomawari night alone walk

When you pick up an item, it’s image in your scrapbook will look like a child drew it and it’s entry looks like a child’s handwriting as well. Speaking of which, the game even goes the extra mile making the town map look like a child drew it. Said child is just a simple 3D model as well whereas everything else is incredibly detailed. spirits like these work out super well due to the fact that the main character is just a child walking out alone in the middle of the night no less. What look like are supposed to be children and adults are stick figures, there’s a spirit made up of just ears, and there are just some things that are just flat out undescribable. I’m sure all of the spirits here can be find inside of a Japanese Yokai textbook or online, but some of them look absolutely deranged. Interestingly enough, the game’s atmosphere isn’t the only thing that brings the horror to life either. The game uses environmental story telling to fill in the gaps however that shouldn’t be spoiled. Of course, when a little girl is by herself, there’s only much she can say when the only thing possibly on her mind is looking for Poro and her sister, but even then. Most of the time it’s just crickets only for your heartbeat to go up-and-down depending on the current situation. Besides that, what adds to the atmosphere is the music, and mostly lack there-of. Said eyes turned into a mouth, and you can only guess what happened from there. In my situation, of nowhere four spirits that only had one huge eye surrounded me. Thankfully, coming across this doesn’t automatically mean game over… If you’re lucky. For instance, at one point I foolishly stepped over a sewer drain only for a hand to come from under it to grab me. Every time you turn around, it feels like something new is going to come out and get you. While there are no NPCs to talk to, the town is very much “alive” as it’s filled with spirits everywhere you turn. Without it on, you can’t hide nor can you pick up items from off the ground.Īs a horror game, the game relies on atmosphere to get the point across. That’s not the only thing the flashlight is for either. With your flashlight you can also uncover hidden enemies that can only be seen via light sources. For instance when a spirit is nearby you’ll actually be able to hear your heartbeat, and the faster it gets the closer they are. The game gives you other cues that death is just around the corner. That said, you don’t have to actually watch for them. To make matters worse, when an enemy is nearby, it’ll decrease even faster, so be on the look out. Be aware though after a certain point, your stamina bar will actually decrease faster, so it’s actually smaller than it looks. When you run, your stamina bar will decrease. You can walk, run, or tiptoe your away around town and hopefully avoid foes by doing so.

yomawari night alone walk

Or even worse, pick up a phone call only to hear a ghost saying it’s right behind you ready to kill you. At one instance you might come across some chickens that need to be put back into their coup, putting an eye into a Daruma that’s chasing you. There are quite a few extra events around your new night life. While the goal of the game is to find your missing loved ones, it’s not the only thing to do. Note that the game actually has a narrative structure so it’s not like going back home is a big deal.

yomawari night alone walk

Your only means of escape is to hide behind a bush or behind a board or of course, pausing the game and choosing to just go home and start over again. The only ‘weapon’ you have at your disposal are light sources just so you have the ability to see them.

yomawari night alone walk

The town is now filled with all sorts of spirits out to get you. What starts off as a simple task quickly goes wrong. The goal is to find Poro as well as your older sister. Hours pass by and for some reason neither Poro nor your sister has returned home… Did something happen to them? Are they okay? With these thoughts in mind, you yourself decide to out and look for them. Leave it to your big sister of course to go out and look for Poro for you. On the way back home, Poro unfortunately gets away from you.

yomawari night alone walk

You play as a little girl who takes her dog, Poro out for a walk. As such, it would be appropriate to look into the horror genre which brings us to Yomawari: Night Alone. It’s October meaning it’s time for the Halloween craze to begin again. Thank You NISA for Providing a Review Copy

Yomawari night alone walk